Scobol Solo 2019 Round 13: Amogh Mantri vs. Stella Tsogtjargal

Room W349
Eric Rettberg
Stella Tsogtjargal came in with Card 48
Amogh Mantri came in with Card 82
Tossups Heard
# Amogh Mantri
Hinsdale Central High School
Stella Tsogtjargal
Maine Township High School East
1Incorrect Interrupt at 87/95 0Incorrect at End at 739/744 0
2Incorrect at End at 615/626 0Incorrect at End at 615/626 0
3Incorrect at End at 581/592 0Incorrect at End at 581/592 0
4Incorrect at End at 681/694 0Incorrect at End at 681/694 0
5Incorrect at End at 660/669 0Incorrect at End at 660/669 0
6Incorrect at End at 661/673 0Incorrect at End at 661/673 0
7Correct Answer at 448/453 1Not Attempted 0
8Incorrect at End at 536/546 1Incorrect at End at 536/546 0
9Incorrect at End at 597/604 1Incorrect Interrupt at 532/540 0
10Not Attempted 1Correct Answer at 482/487 1
11Correct Answer at 564/571 2Not Attempted 1
12Incorrect Interrupt at 490/504 2Incorrect at End at 628/637 1
13Incorrect at End at 608/614 2Incorrect at End at 608/614 1
14Correct Answer at 584/593 3Not Attempted 1
15Incorrect at End at 603/613 3Incorrect at End at 603/613 1
16Incorrect at End at 628/637 3Incorrect at End at 628/637 1
17Correct Answer at 460/470 4Not Attempted 1
18Incorrect at End at 573/580 4Incorrect at End at 573/580 1
19Incorrect at End at 652/660 4Incorrect at End at 652/660 1
20Incorrect at End at 556/567 4Incorrect Interrupt at 482/489 1
Final Score  4  1