Scobol Solo 2021 Round 4: Sidharth Jindal vs. Mikayla Hicks

Room N206
Charles Metz
Mikayla Hicks came in with Card 69
Sidharth Jindal came in with Card 82
Tossups Heard
Safety Match
Regardless of the actual outcome of this game, both players are credited with a win. The actual results still affect category awards, seeds, and potentially tiebreakers to get into the Championship Match.
# Sidharth Jindal
Lake Forest High School
Mikayla Hicks
Lincoln-Way East High School
1Not Attempted 0Not Attempted 0
2Incorrect at End at 597/604 0Incorrect Interrupt at 483/490 0
3Correct Answer at 505/516 1Not Attempted 0
4Correct Answer at 355/362 2Not Attempted 0
5Not Attempted 2Not Attempted 0
6Correct Answer at 631/636 3Incorrect Interrupt at 538/549 0
7Not Attempted 3Not Attempted 0
8Incorrect Interrupt at 517/524 3Incorrect at End at 633/642 0
9Incorrect Interrupt at 75/81 3Not Attempted 0
10Not Attempted 3Correct Answer at 632/637 1
11Not Attempted 3Correct Answer at 110/117 2
12Correct Answer at 205/217 4Not Attempted 2
13Not Attempted 4Correct Answer at 560/574 3
14Correct Answer at 565/574 5Incorrect Interrupt at 530/536 3
15Not Attempted 5Not Attempted 3
16Correct Answer at 406/410 6Not Attempted 3
17Correct Answer at 481/490 7Not Attempted 3
18Not Attempted 7Not Attempted 3
19Not Attempted 7Correct Answer at 630/636 4
20Correct Answer at 594/605 8Incorrect Interrupt at 370/371 4
Final Score  8  4